What is running recovery and why is it the number one key to success in reaching our goals…


Allows both our minds and our bodies that vital chance to Re-set after a heavy period of training and weekly totals. Time to take the focus off completion of sessions and solely focus on enjoyment.

Time off will be time to Energise. One step back and two steps forward being the ultimate aim.

It offers us Choice and time to wake up and decide on each new day what, how long, where and if we want to run.

Makes us Offload from the physical impact of routine training regimes.

Maybe gives us back a bit of Variety and a chance to practice or do another activity.

Importantly allows are bodies to Enhance their physical capabilities and get stronger.

Time to Reach our potential, by refreshing our minds and our focus we can see how much we really want our end goal.

And finally gives time for You.

Make recovery meaningful; do not dread the off days. See it as a chance to get stronger. At the moment, I have opted for chosen recovery week. The reason I say chosen is because I have been training well, and rather than pushing the boundaries too far and getting injured causing me to rest, I have given my body a free pass to enjoy time to get stronger and come back refreshed and energised.

Recovery weeks do not have to be full long days spent wishing you were running. Fill them with alternative activities, active recovery, a walk or a light jog, strength and conditioning or even something totally individual and therapeutic. You will be amazed what a few days or week can do for your mindset and overall performance and it is vitally important these are factored into your training plans.

Please get in touch if you want to find out how to add recovery to your training plans!

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